Day 10
BRACE for Battle
Reflection Questions
1. How can BRACE help you in the midst of sexual temptation in a similar way that combat breathing helps a navy seal?
2. What part of the acronym “BRACE” stood out to you?
3. What does this statement mean “repetition got you into this addiction and repetition will help you get out”? How should this reality impact your use of BRACE?
4. What is your plan to practice BRACE regularly?
BRACE has proven to be a powerful tool because it is based on brain science and 3 important biblical principles.
B – Breathe Deeply (Getting more oxygen to the brakes of the brain)
R – Remember the Truth (Romans 12:2 Renewing the mind)
A & C- Accountability Call (2 Timothy 2:22 Fleeing lust “with others“)
E – Escape the Situation (1 Corinthians 6:18 Flee immorality)
The porn pathway always leads to isolation. The new pathway involves reaching out with an accountability call. BRACE uses a temptation or trigger to build the new pathway but it only works if you practice it.