Freedom From the Snare of Porn
We Are Funded by Donations
We are on a mission to help a generation of men and women outgrow pornography so they can reach their God given potential in Christ.
Fund our mission: An investment in the FF is an investment in marriages, families, churches and the next generation of spiritual leadership in the Church.
Help us create new content to equip the leaders and participants alike.
Update and refine our program and application, so that the support and tools we provide men and women on the difficult path to freedom are effective.
Support our ongoing, practical, ministry-based research into effective recovery and the culture in which we’re ministering.
Develop and train men and women who lead groups.
Promotion of the program so that we can connect with those who need to break free from a porn addiction.
“Let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.” Hebrews 12:1
Pay It Forward
If you or someone you care about has walked the path to freedom from porn with the Freedom Fight, you know the commitment, humility and courage the journey requires–every day and night. Now you can support others seeking freedom with the Freedom Fight by making your gift monthly or one time.
Our monthly givers understand that changing hearts and minds takes time. They help us ensure the Freedom Fight is always available and always free. If you give monthly, you will receive our special monthly updates on how Freedom Fight is helping the church win the battle for the next generation of young men and women and this generation of marriages and regular opportunities to pray for us.
The Freedom Fight is the most needed discipleship resource in the Church today.
The Freedom Fight is an answer to prayer for what I believe is the greatest threat facing the Church today… internet pornography. This program is a MUST for every church today.
your freedom.