is an
to prayer!” – Josh McDowell Author and Speaker
Completely stopping a porn habit may seem like an impossible goal. You’ve probably vowed “one last time” countless times, only to fall back into the snare of shame pornography brings once again. But take heart: nearly 86% of those who complete the Freedom Fight program and are committed to our 3 core habits find freedom.
Every person’s freedom story is unique and reflects a personal point in their journey toward lasting freedom. The stories and testimonies below have been shared by those who want to encourage you that freedom truly is possible.
If you’ve felt the endless cycle of going back to acting out sexually with pornography after promising yourself you wouldn’t go back, The Freedom Fight is for you. It gave me the confidence, resources and hope that I’ve been searching for to win in the area of my sexual purity that I had lost in for so many years.
As a college minister who is seeing the consequences of a pornified and sexually charged culture on a daily basis. I’ve taken dozens and dozens of college men through The Freedom Fight and it continues to prove life changing every time.
Jason Kuhlman, Campus Ministry Director
As a female campus minister, I went through the Freedom Fight with two female students. The Freedom Fight has been an incredible resource to help them understand the sexual addiction that they are dealing with. Knowing how the body responds during addictive thinking and developing tools to combat that thought process made a huge difference in creating new and healthy patterns. The women who participated in this program made small steps each week to break their cycle of addiction by implementing the accountability and ideas from the Freedom Fight!
Colby Kinggard
I started watching porn as early as 5th grade. By the time I was in high school it was nearly a daily occurrence. As I got older I developed a general distrust of women, lack of ability to emotionally connect with a woman and was desensitized to sexual activity with women.
I was introduced to Freedom Fight by a group of men I looked up to who told me it helped them improve their lives without a... Read More >>
John O’Brien
The FF is excellent!! I have read tons of books on getting free from porn to help both myself and other men. The Freedom Fight is the only resource I found that does justice to the brain science yet does not capitulate to the unbiblical presuppositions of our age. No small feat! I finally have a resource I can recommend without qualifications. This has helped the men in my group experience genuin... Read More >>
Andrew B.
After coming to Christ in college, I struggled to find freedom from porn. I had an 8 year addiction that was reaping havoc on my new relationship with Christ, I felt alone, full of shame, guilty and like a hypocrite. It wasn't until I joined a Freedom Fight small group where I began to start understanding my struggle in a holistic way. While going through the Freedom Fight in a small group I began... Read More >>
Kit K
The freedom fight group has helped me reconnect with God and really understand who he is and who I am to him. Also The relationships in my Life especially my marriage have seen NewLife and grown quite a bit. It has been a Tough but great experience.
John D. Foubert, Ph.D.
The Freedom Fight is by far the best online program available to combat the struggles young men have with pornography from a Biblical worldview. The great strength of these videos is the perfect balance of high quality production, a charismatic speaker, Biblical truth, and up to date science. I wholeheartedly endorse The Freedom Fight and I hope it will be used by people across the nation.
John D. Foubert, Ph.D.
Author, How Pornography Harms
The victory I was shooting for was to not allow myself to engage in sexual fantasy that would culminate in masturbation. The Freedom fight has helped me to BRACE against this kind of temptation. For me this has been a 40-year battle. I am on three years plus of freedom which in my world is unbelievable. Seriously, I don’t believe it. But it is true.
For most of my life I’ve felt ensnared by pornography and sexual addiction with little hope that I would ever really finding freedom from the bondage and grip it had on my life. The Freedom Fight was one of the first resources that gave me the necessary knowledge to understand my addiction and equip me with practical tools to walk in the freedom I always hoped existed.
Alex Lerza
The Freedom Fight offers one of the most impactful and thorough courses I have seen when it comes to helping people find freedom from porn and sex addiction. The course does a great job of integrating principles for addiction recovery from neuroscience, Biblical wisdom and psychology.
Alex Lerza, Certified Sex Addiction Therapist, Co-Founder of rTribe.
The whole series was great! Very helpful! I love the holistic approach they have with everything. I've tried overcoming this stuff for years, even paying a lot of money to see a therapist. Nothing has been quite as successful as my recent efforts with the Freedom Fight videos.
Tyler McMahan, Cru Staff
The number one thing God has used to bless our ministry is the Freedom Fight. What the Freedom Fight has done for my guys is help them lose their shame and grow in their experience of God’s love. All twelve of my guys going through the program have begun to share their faith because they are excited about their faith again. Three of the twelve have already started up FF groups with others before they are even finished. Anyone I disciple will go through the freedom fight.
These videos have began to equip me with the necessary tools for freedom in my battle for purity. After learning the brain science behind sexual addiction, I understood that I simply couldn't just try harder and expect to walk in purity! This has been pivotal as I learn to "live in the light." Overall, the FF videos have played and will continue to play a vital role in understanding my addiction and overcoming it.
This series provided me with increased accountability and a realistic game plan to combat my sinful nature by helping me understand my emotions and past habits. The understanding and tools it gave me increased my conviction for walking in the light and walking in purity
Nick Stumbo
For a generation that grew up in the digital era, the resources available to help young men battle for purity are few and far between. The Freedom Fight is an engaging, comprehensive look at winning your battle for the long haul. This resource- the videos and tools- will help young men understand what is needed to be victorious. Be courageous and take this journey! You'll be glad you did.
Nick Stumbo
Executive Director Pure Desire Ministries
Ben Bennett
As one who is part of a team that has evaluated over 100 different porn addiction recovery resources, I view the Freedom Fight as THE top online platform for porn addiction recovery in the world.
Ben Bennett, Co-author of Living Free / Josh McDowell Ministry
The Freedom fight program has helped me really analyze my emotions/feelings for the first time and realize how things in my life can lead to a relapse days or weeks later. It has also given me awesome tools for combating my urge to relapse like deep breathing, calling friends and scripture memory so that I don't have to turn to that act anymore to cope with things going on in my life.
the tool(B.R.A.C.E.) that the Freedom Fight teaches for resisting temptation has been extremely helpful. I was struggling with relapse and didn't have any real way to fight besides scripture and prayer. It wasn't until I learned about the B.R.A.C.E method from the Freedom Fight and started practicing it 3 times a day no matter what. Since then I have not relapsed and I am finally free after 4 years of pursuing purity.
I personally started to see my largest growth in success when my group started using the check-ins through the Freedom Fight website. It allows you to easily report how you are doing that day and lays out your reports in an easy to understand calender that you can go back to and review to help you grow.
I started watching porn at age 12. At the height of my addiction in high school and college I was looking at porn multiple times a day. Escaping the hooks it has had in my life has been the hardest thing I've ever done, but with the help of my small group and the Freedom Fight I've gotten to experience what freedom from porn feels like.
The Freedom fight has been a huge blessing and weapon in my fight for sexual purity and has made all the difference. Having Godly standards for sexuality these days is very difficult, especially in our college setting, but leaning into Christ and accountability has actually transformed my brain and my habits. It has been almost a year and a half since my last relapse and the freedom is indescribable.
I had tried to stop several times before but nothing ever worked. After seeking counsel from my mentor he told me about freedom fight and everything it had to offer. I went through Freedom Fight in its entirety over the next several months with some accountability partners and really put to use all of the tools this program had to offer me. Not only have I been free from sexual bondage for more th... Read More >>
Jake W
The Freedom Fight is the first program I have used where the men I am leading are experiencing genuine healing and freedom in their fight against porn addiction. For the first time the men I am leading have a clear roadmap to success, structure for accountability, and a passion for defeating addiction. The ease of use for participants and accessibility for leaders is exceptional. I will use this program as long as I am engaged in helping men find freedom from porn addiction.
Jake Welchans, Campus Ministry Director
I started watching porn 20 years ago but was hooked on it for the last 14 years where I was acting out multiple times a week. I tried many times to quit, but no matter how hard I tried (my longest streak was 2 months of sobriety), I would always fall back into the trap. I almost gave up hope of getting free but the Freedom Fight has been a game changer for me in this battle. I went to a counselor ... Read More >>
FF teaching and community made the difference, I started watching porn in 5th grade and by middle school was watching it and acting out multiple times a week. This continued into high school and college. There were periods when I would act out daily or multiple times a day. I came to Christ in college and immediately felt that I needed to clean up this part of my life. I saw that it was a problem ... Read More >>
I did a couple years of counseling on and off, tried some recovery groups, online coaching, strict accountability, computer filters, vows of celibacy, etc. Nothing worked until Freedom Fight teaching and community of guys around me. I needed deeper and practical help and that is what the Freedom Fight gave me.
Mike, Overseas missionary
I’ve been addicted to porn and masturbation for around 15 years. I actively tried for many years to break free by joining accountability groups, recovery programs, biblical counseling and even saw a certified sexual addiction therapist. All of these solutions were helpful in some ways, but none of them offered the resources I needed to heal and find lasting freedom from my addiction.
It wasn...
Thank you freedom fight and Ted for give me the freedom that I was looking for and all for free when I started the program I was a big addict to porn and masturbation but as the days start passing I begin to understand why it was so difficult to quit. I found freedom when I do what Ted suggested - find a friend and ask for help I take me a lot of courage to call by name what was happening in my l... Read More >>
Steve Shadrach
The “porn tsunami” can feel overwhelming and impossible to conquer. The Freedom Fight is an incredible online resource that provides Biblical and practical tools for you (or your small group) to get on the path to purity. I highly recommend the Freedom Fight to anyone who wants help in winning this battle or who wants to be equipped to help others.
Steve Shadrach, Founder Student Mobilization
Author, Fuel and the Flame
Dr. Ted Roberts
The Freedom Fight is a battle cry for the next generation and I believe it can strike a holy fire in the souls of the future leaders of our world and the church that can truly bring real freedom.
Dr. Ted Roberts PSAP-S
Founder of Pure Desire Ministries International
Josh McDowell
The Freedom Fight porn addiction recovery program is a ready-made discipleship resource for pastors who want to equip their men to be godly husbands, fathers and leaders in the church. I cannot recommend highly enough.
The Freedom Fight is an answer to prayer for what I believe is the greatest threat facing the Church today...internet pornography. This program is a MUST for every Church today.
Josh McDowell
Speaker, Author, Evangelist, Apologist