Our Approach

Find Freedom From Porn

And Make it Last

86% of those who complete the program and are committed to our 3 core habits find freedom

When it comes to changing behavior there are two types of change that can happen:

First Order Change

  • Gives the illusion of change and can even have some results. The problem is, these changes do not last. They are short term.
  • Attempts to control behavior by giving more effort or “trying harder”. It is a concrete action, a quick fix, but it doesn’t go deep enough to solve a problem.

Second Order Change

  • Happens when core beliefs are altered, which anchors changes in a new lifestyle.
  • Takes place as a person establishes new support structures, new relationships and new practices in their life. It is the adoption of a different lifestyle and mindset.

To break free from a pornography addiction it is crucial to move from first order change to second order change. These changes will lead to long-lasting positive habits, allowing you to make life improvements in mental, emotional, and spiritual ways. Ultimately this leads to a new lifestyle.

See stories from real users who are finding freedom with second order change.

Healing the Whole Person

Freedom Fight uses a holistic approach to recovery. We consider biology, psychology, and spirituality–all from a deep and committed Biblical perspective. Our program addresses all of these components:


The physical aspects of recovery focus on understanding the brain science of porn addiction and how to effectively change and reprogram the brain. We guide you to build new positive pathways through new habits and learning.


Understanding your personal emotional triggers enables you to build effective boundaries. Sex and porn addictions aren’t so much about sex as they are a way to cope with pain, stresses, discomforts, and even trauma of life. Our tools help you recognize and address those triggers in healthy ways.


The apostle Paul verbalizes the frustration that every addict can relate to: “I want to do what is right, but I can’t. I want to do what is good, but I don’t. I don’t want to do what is wrong, but I do it anyway…Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death? Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 7:18-25). You’ll learn to deepen your relationship and process pain with God instead of running to a sexual high.


Addictions thrive in isolation but lose their power in the light of community. Every sex addiction therapist will tell you the same thing: they have never seen an addict find real freedom on their own. Beating this addiction will require you to step outside of yourself and bring others in. We’ll help you do this.


3 Phases to Freedom

When you mow a yard full of weeds it looks great at first, but the weeds always come back because the roots weren’t dealt with. Short-term fixes like pop-up blockers do not get to the real problem and ultimately won’t last. We systematically address the 6 root causes of porn addiction throughout the three phases of breaking free in our program. The phases are generally sequential, but the key principles are intermingled throughout the program. 

1. Facing Reality

Christians struggling with porn use often live in denial. Porn users often minimize, rationalize and even compartmentalize their struggle. They have learned to lie to themselves and others. But a person cannot break free from porn until they admit that they have a problem. Breaking denial is the essential foundation for freedom, and is the fastest way to healing (James 5:16). This means being honest about relapses, prioritizing truth over image, and avoiding excuses. We witness significant progress in this phase.

2. Developing New Skills

We teach tools and skills that address each of the six roots of addiction. Lasting change won’t happen unless the new skills are truly learned through application. We provide methods and tools that help you shut off access, maintain accountability, grow in emotional intelligence, respond correctly to a relapse, and many other essential skills. New skills lead to new behavior and habits. Anchoring these new behaviors and practices to new convictions rooted in the Bible unlocks the ability to establish a new, lasting lifestyle.

3. Rebuilding the Mind

The brain changes as you learn and grow, even as an adult. These changes happen by building new neurological pathways in your brain. We teach you to replace the damaging pathways built by porn with new, positive pathways. Rebuilding the mind also involves replacing lies learned through porn and trauma. Instead of living an identity of shame, you can learn to live an identity rooted in Christ. As Jesus promised, “You will know the truth and the truth will make you free” (John 8:32).

How It Works
The journey to freedom is guided by our 3 proven steps
1. Watch and Respond

to 5-8 minute videos that unpack proven principles of recovery

Your journey to freedom begins with dozens of engaging videos that guide you through the key principles of addiction and recovery. 2-3 videos per week give you time to consider, apply, and practice the principles you’re learning.

2. Practice and Apply

what you learn for life change

All of our content is biblically based, scientifically informed, and easily applied in real life. We will highlight core applications and practices, while providing tools for you to monitor your progress. We provide a journaling study guide to help you take notes, anchor the concepts, and reflect on the biblical principles during each video lesson.

3. Stay Accountable

through daily check-ins and recommended group meetings

Accountability partners of your choosing will help you evaluate your progress and overcome obstacles as you go through the program. The ultimate goal isn’t to get through the program quickly, but rather to experience the life change and that happens as you digest and apply the content. Staying accountable through daily check-ins on the App will help ensure you are applying what you learn.

Accountability is Key

Accountability is essential to finding lasting freedom. No one breaks free from pornography on their own. The Bible underscores the importance of having other people help you in avoiding sexual sin.

“Flee from youthful lusts and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart” (2 Timothy 2:22).

We are told to ‘flee lust’ not by ourselves but ‘with those’ who are also pursuing purity. Accountability gives you a support system of people who can give you encouragement, accept your confessions, spur you on and celebrate your progress throughout the journey.

The Freedom Fight provides tools for accountability that help you to determine where you are emotionally. You evaluate which one of three zones you are in based on triggers and cues, then the status is sent to your accountability partner so they know how you’re doing. These check-ins fight against isolation and help you identify triggers that lead to relapse and so you can make adjustments that lead to freedom.

Strength in Group Support

It’s true that people find success working through the Freedom Fight program individually with the help of an accountability partner or two. However, we have observed that embarking on this journey with others in a small group is the fastest way to find freedom. Small groups provide certain dynamics related to acceptance, safety, accountability, encouragement and processing that you can’t get any other way. A small group provides the unique opportunity to defeat shame, which is considered the most influential of all the roots of addiction (link to 6 roots page). 

The Freedom Fight has created a number of small group resources to make it simple and straightforward for small groups to walk the path to freedom together. We provide a Leader’s Guide that details how to initiate and pace a group through the phases of recovery. Our app and website both have specific features to help a leader guide his or her group. The leader receives valuable insights into each member’s progress and check-ins, as well as the ability to have confidential individual or group chats.

Learn More About Leading A Group

In addition to free resources, The Freedom Fight also offers a paid group option for those who don’t have a small group of their own and/or want to be led by a certified FF leader. Since these groups have limited availability and to ensure that the group is a good fit for each person, there is a short application and phone interview. These Premium groups are designed to help men or women go further, faster. 

Learn More About Premium Groups

The Power of Tech

Our philosophy is to address the roots of a porn addiction so the user can find deep, lasting freedom. Early in our process we help people detox by locking up their devices and suggesting various tools to do this. But blocking access alone is not a lasting solution. True freedom is the goal, and blocking access is one of the steps toward that goal.

The Freedom Fight tool — available as an iOS app, Android app, and web browser tool — guides you through the full spectrum of The Freedom Fight video content, journal, resources and studies. It also helps you stay connected and accountable throughout the program. You’ll send check-ins to your accountability partner(s), and review analytics from those check-ins so you can identify patterns. This is crucial to helping you grow in self-awareness and emotional intelligence. Leaders receive accountability check-ins, ‘crash reports’ (for relapses), and questions and encouragement from the group.



Why It’s Free

We are determined to help a generation of men and women find freedom from pornography. So much porn is available for free, we won’t win if the remedies are costly. We believe a free and simple recovery program is the best way to reach and help as many people as possible who are struggling with pornography use. For this reason, our organization is funded entirely by generous donor support rather than subscription or curriculum fees.

Your Support Matters

We are grateful to receive support from people who know the importance of freeing God’s children from porn. Those who have seen results, personally or in a loved one, often “pay it forward” by investing in others finding freedom. Donations to The Freedom Fight enable us to remove obstacles to help set more people free. Those fighting for freedom from pornography should be able to seek redemption and recovery without the roadblocks of shame or finances. Your donation will be an investment in the Kingdom of God as more of God’s people are set free to pursue His purposes.

hand with stopwatch

Is FF right for me?

There are no quick fixes for finding freedom. Breaking free will require growth and development in multiple areas of your life. Don’t underestimate this program’s ability to help you grow emotionally, spiritually, and relationally. If you are ready to outgrow porn, then we’re ready to be your guide on the journey to lasting freedom. 

Take the quiz to see if FF is right for you