The Magic Trick Called Porn

by Freedom Fight | August 30, 2022
The Death of a Heart for God (Part 3 of 3)
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy, but I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”  -Jesus in John 10:10

No one in a healthy marriage ever consciously clicks on a “kill your marriage” button. Our enemies are more clever than fashioning buttons we would obviously avoid. Instead, we are offered a new path toward what we think we actually want. Our enemies are allied within the threefold fighting force of the world, our flesh, and the devil.

Often, their invitation to porn resembles an offer of magic into our lives.
And who isn’t tempted by magic?
Think about it, what is the go-to magic trick that symbolizes all magic?

No, not the rabbit in the hat
(and why is it always a rabbit?)
The go-to magic trick that sums up all of what magic offers… sawing a woman in half.
(why is it always a woman? Why not a rabbit?)
Not sure who or what came up with the sawing-a-person-in-two idea, but its emblematic magic-ness has had impressive staying power, only rivaled by the black, top-hat and mandatory wand.

When it comes to porn, the magical invitation can look like the following:

  • man sitting alone in theaterYou can have all of your deepest human desires met
  • With no actual relational entanglements with another
  • And no ill side effects or negative impact on relationships.

Just one problem. It is only an illusion.

Magic is only enjoyable because it appears real but is not. We would not bring children to serve as an audience to someone actually sawing a person in half.

That would be an awful spectacle, and the cops would be called- instead of tickets offered.

Porn produces carnage on every front.

It invites you toward a harmless magic trick and proceeds to carve in reality.
Promoting itself as entertainment while delivering the reality of addiction, shame, and pain.

One of the ways to uncover the real death that porn produces is by looking at its effects on marriage:

I will stop with the stats, but, trust me, I could exhaust you with repeated studies of how porn kills marriages.

Further, Jesus powerfully states in the gospel of John,

“The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy, but I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”

Jesus’ offer is the anti-magic offer.
His is an offer into reality.
He has entered our world so we may know the real path to the fullest life.
There is no illusion in Jesus.

We want to invite you to join us on a journey out of magic tricks and into the reality of being set free from porn use and addiction. Not an offer of another illusion, but an offering of real help to accompany your journey to freedom.

Your next step depends on where you find yourself:


The Freedom Fight

Published: August 30, 2022  |   Spiritual Health
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