ROOTS | An Introduction
by Freedom Fight | November 15, 2022
Why your best efforts aren’t enough to overcome the pull of pornography.
Are you finding time and again, that your attempts at ending sexual sin are short-lived or fail from the very beginning? Many of us seem to think that our ability to muster up enough faith or white-knuckle a way into diligence will be the way out of the actions we desire to stop. And when that strategy fails, you are left with only these options: you don’t have enough faith or you don’t have enough discipline. This can feel like a hopeless cycle.
While it’s true that lasting change will take both faith and works, the surface-level changes often employed in these attempts do not address the level of change that is needed once these habits have been formed, fed and built. We’ve spelled out the bad news, but take heart there is good news as well. The Freedom Fight is a biblically-based, gospel-centered program that is holistic and application oriented.
We are not left to our best efforts.
Rather, we can help you discover the why’s behind your pornography addiction and address it.
Who are you?
Why do you do the things you do?
These foundational questions linger in the backdrop of our lives- and if not addressed- determine our actions without us giving intentional effort or thought toward them.
In his letter to the Ephesian believers, the apostle Paul lays out solutions to finding freedom from sexual sin through his invitation to live out of a new identity in Christ. Paul’s path to freedom from sexual bondage requires the pursuit of a new life- a new life in Christ.
The Pathway to Freedom from Sexual Bondage is Identity-Focused & Holistic.
The purpose of the book of Ephesians is identity formation- helping believers understand and live out their new identity in Christ. Through salvation, believers have a radical new relationship with our heavenly Father. We are beloved children of God with a new worth, inheritance, and calling.
And yet, despite your best efforts otherwise, there can exist a gap between your position in Christ and your practices or actions.
Ephesians 4:17-5:12 reveals the 6 Roots of Addiction and offers a path forward that addresses each root and empowers us to stand firm in our identity in Christ.
Let’s get down to the Roots…
but first, you may want to watch these videos from Freedom Fight’s founder, Ted Shimer, as he provides us with context for the book of Ephesians and the journey to the freedom found in our new identity.
Looking for more help in quitting porn?
The ROOTS blogs (Roots, #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6) are all content summarized from a more thorough and detailed account found in The Freedom Fight book and that you can buy here if you need more details and help.

Join the free 30-day challenge – a powerful biblically based and scientifically informed program – click here.

Published: November 15, 2022 |
Spiritual Health